Policy Details
Date of Last Update
- President
Responsible Office
Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution
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STU 3.0
Policy Statement
This Statement applies to all individual students, both undergraduate
and graduate, and all University-Affiliated Student Organizations (UAO).
Conduct Addressed in The Anchor
The Anchor and the Policy Prohibiting Title IX Sexual Harassment,
Sexual Misconduct, and Discriminatory Harassment SLT 9.1 apply to
conduct that occurs on property owned or controlled by the University;
at University sponsored activities; at functions, activities, or
events hosted by University-Affiliated Organizations, on or off
campus. The Anchor also applies to off campus conduct that adversely
affects the University community or an individual or keeps an
individual from participating in a University program or activity,
and/or the pursuit of the University mission.
The Anchor incorporates other specific University policies by
reference. These policies include, but are not limited to:
- Policies listed on the University Policies website Alcohol and Other Drug Policy
- Housing and Residence Life Community Living Standards Information Policies and Procedures
- Traffic and Parking Ordinance Undergraduate and Graduate Catalogs
3.2 Definitions
3.2.1 Appeal Officer
A University Conduct Pool member eligible to be an Appeal Officer.
3.2.2 Business Day
A business day is defined as 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Monday through
Friday when the University is open for business.
3.2.3 Conflict Resolution Facilitator (CRF)
A CRF is a staff member from or appointed by OSCCR assigned to
handle a student conduct report and/or conflict resolution process.
3.2.4 Evidence/Relevant Information
Evidence/relevant information is anything outside of
first-person, personal testimony that will be used, referenced, or
shared with the CRF/Hearing Officer by either party at the hearing
(examples may include photographs, emails, screenshots, documents,
reports, eyewitness accounts, or audio/visual recordings).
3.2.5 Hearing Officer
A University Conduct Pool member eligible to administer hearings.
3.2.6 Restorative Measures
Restorative measures are outcomes directly connected to the
violation, tailored to the needs of those impacted and intended to
repair any harm done.
3.2.7 Standard of Proof
The standard of proof rests by the University is preponderance of
evidence/relevant information, whether it is more likely than not,
that a violation occurred.
3.2.8 Student
For these policies, the University considers an individual a
student when an admission offer has been extended to any program,
whether degree or non-degree seeking, for credit or non-credit. The
University retains jurisdiction over students who take a leave of
absence, withdraw, or graduate for any action that occurred prior to
the leave, withdrawal, or graduation. In the event of serious
misconduct committed while still enrolled but reported after the
accused student has graduated, the University may invoke these
procedures and, should the former student be found responsible for a
violation of these rules, the University may revoke that student’s degree.
3.2.9 Student Conduct Report
Any documentation that describes an alleged violation of The
Anchor. Student conduct reports may include University incident
reports, investigative reports, police reports, or verbal, written, or
electronic communication.
3.2.10 Support Person
Students/University-Affiliated Organization (UAO) representatives
may be accompanied by a support person of their choice. A support
person’s role is limited to providing advice to the student. The
support person is not permitted to ask questions or make oral
arguments on behalf of the student/UAO representative. The student
must sign a FERPA compliant release of information prior to the
administrative conference and/or hearing involving their support
person. If the support person is an attorney, the student/UAO
representative must provide OSCCR the name of the attorney, in
writing, at least one (1) business day prior to the administrative
conference and/or hearing.
3.2.11 University-Affiliated Organization (UAO) For the
purposes of The Anchor, the term University-Affiliated Organization
(UAO) shall mean any group whose membership consists of students
currently enrolled at the University that is:
1) registered with the Office of Student Life, aka “Registered Student Organization”
2) affiliated with the University through an academic department or administrative entity that supports, endorses, supervises, or recognizes the organization, unless the Dean of Students (or their designee) otherwise determines the organization is a University function, or
3) seeking recognition or formerly recognized by the University. Members of a UAO acting as part of or on behalf of the organization may be held collectively and individually responsible for violations of the Anchor. UAOs may be held responsible for such violations whether members are individually held responsible for violations arising from the same misconduct. UAOs are also held to the additional standards of conduct based on the policies and procedures of the Office of Student Life or the associated academic department or administrative unit.
3.2.11 University-Affiliated Organization (UAO) Representative
A member of the UAO, typically the President or other leader as
defined by the constitution of the UAO.
3.2.12 University Conduct Pool
Faculty members and Administrative/Professional staff who have
been selected following the processes delineated in Section 7.0 of the
Anchor, have participated in the required training and who accept the
responsibility of administering the rules and regulations of the
University in a fair and impartial manner as a matter of public trust
for the University community.
Section 6.0 - Conduct Process and Resolution Procedures outlines the procedures related to this policy.
For a summarized, visual overview of the University conduct process, please click here.