Policy Details

Date of Last Update

Approved By
  • Board of Trustees

Responsible Office
Office of General Counsel


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University Communications

BOT 8.1 - 8.4

Policy Statement

Chapter 8 University Relations Division

8.1 University Communications

This office is responsible for internal and external communications at the University and provides strategic communication advice and support to the administration. As the central communications office for the University, University Communications advances the reputation of the University among all constituents through promotion and management of the University's reputation and image. University Communications maintains the University's news bureau, manages the electronic news site, has principal responsibility for processing media inquiry, publishes official news publications, manages social media and crisis communication, produces still photography and institutional videos, and maintains the news archives and the external affairs component of the website (http://0zsa.gregorybgallagher.com/accountability/).

8.2 Government Relations

University Relations is responsible for liaison between the University and the state and federal governments, their committees, agencies, and departments. The activities of the University's contracted government relations vendors are supervised by this office. Responsibilities for state relations include preparation and presentation of all information and documents pertaining to annual budgets, program provisions, coordination of capital outlay projects and keeping the institution informed about pending legislation and changes affecting the institution and its constituency on the state level. The office assists in coordinating and bringing visitors to campus.

Responsibilities for federal relations include the liaison between public and private agencies at the national level to aid in seeking monies to promote, develop, and supplement the University's educational programs through major proposals; and, to keep the institution informed and responding to legislative actions in Congress which may affect the University, its employees, and its constituency. This office is also responsible for the preparation of the necessary documents to support, develop, and further the educational and research programs of the institution and, in some cases, for the betterment of the surrounding community.

8.3 Public Radio and Television Broadcasting

This office is responsible for the management, operation, programming and maintenance of the University's public television and radio stations (WGVU AM-FM-TV; WGVK-TV; WGVS AM-FM).

These noncommercial educational radio and television outlets are licensed to the Board of Trustees of Grand Valley State University. The stations provide a broad range of programming to service the educational, entertainment and informational requirements within the range of the stations' signals. In addition, the stations provide a practical laboratory for students with career goals in the media, jointly supervised by the academic guidance of the faculty of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences  and the direction of broadcasting professionals.

8.4 Institutional Marketing

This office is responsible for conveying a clear, research-based message about the University and what it offers based upon the University's mission, vision and strategic goals through the: design and implementation of an integrated marketing plan; development of publications and other visual materials; advertising; development and licensing of university images and logos; and, the University Web site.